Functional Structures — We believe that the church must have both a clear mission and a clearly organized plan as to how to accomplish that mission.
Passionate Spirituality— We believe that each individual needs to know the love and forgiveness of God and that their relationship with Christ would be the driving force of their life. Prayer to God spawns passion.
Inspiring Worship—We believe that the purpose of genuine worship is to honor God, and through this genuine expression our souls are fueled and we are drawn in to a deeper relationship with God.
Gift Oriented Ministry—We believe that each member of Christ’s family is uniquely gifted with the ability to reveal and reflect God to the world.
Empowering Leadership—We believe that the pastor is called of God as the servant-leader of the church. The pastor’s responsibility is to equip, support, motivate, mentor, and empower Christians to serve God as their spiritual gifts indicate. The objective is for the body to communicate and work together as a team—many parts, but one body.
Community Interaction—We believe that growth takes place when we not only study the Word of God, but learn to apply God’s truths to our daily lives, as discovered through personal interaction in our community. We believe in the continual training, preparation and development of new leaders to en-hance the impact of God’s work both inside and outside the church family.
Treasure of Children and Youth—We believe that the children and youth of our community are our greatest priority. We covet to share Christ with them through the church and to live Christ in front of them in our community.
Need Oriented Evangelism—We believe that each individual in the church must recognize and respond to the needs of non-Christian individuals.
Loving Relationships—We believe that genuine healthy relationships both inside and outside the church are an outward expression of our love for God.